New Coach Steven Brown is looking to get the whole of Whitchurch RFC fit.

New Coach Steven Brown is looking to get the whole of Whitchurch RFC fit. He has with the sponsorship from Bar Sport, Cannock come up with a fitness regime, to get every player, parent, supporter, coach, bar staff and ground staff, from 5 to 60. Every time someone does extra training that is not Rugby, Cycling/Swimming/Walking/Running and Weight training they earn 1 point for the day. The person with the most points at the end of the month will be gifted £50 from Bar Sport. The players have really embraced the competiton and the winner for August 2022 was our very own President Richard Charmley. Richard is seen here being presented with his £50 by 1st team Captain Danny Nicholas.


New Debutants Earn Club Tie


Net World Sports now sponsor the club!